Optimized Incremental Backups
When you enable block change tracking, Oracle tracks the physical location of all database changes.
RMAN automatically uses the change tracking file to determine which blocks need to be read during an incremental backup and directly accesses that block to back it up.
When block change tracking is not enabled, then the entire datafile is read during each incremental backup to find and backup only the changed blocks, even if just a very small part of that file has changed since the previous backup. Use the following command to enable block change tracking.
The fact that block change tracking is available only with the enterprise edition.
Starting with Oracle 10g RMAN can take incremental backups without having to read the entire datafiles in order to find out which blocks have changed since the last backup.
This new feature is called FAST INCREMENTAL BACKUP.
The new technology used for this feature is called BLOCK CHANGE TRACKING.
When using Oracle block change tracking we see this procedure. As data blocks change, the Change Tracking Writer (CTWR) background process tracks the changed blocks in a private area of memory. When a commit is issued against the data block, the block change tracking information is copied to a shared area in Large Pool called the CTWR buffer. During the checkpoint, the CTWR process writes the information from the CTWR RAM buffer to the change-tracking file.
After enabling change tracking, the first level 0 incremental backup still has to scan the entire datafile , as the change tracking file does not yet reflect the status of the blocks. Subsequent incremental backup that use this level 0 as parent will take advantage of the change tracking file.
SQL>show parameter create;
----check db_create_file_dest
mkdir -p /home/oracle/file_create
SQL> alter system set db_create_file_dest=’/home/oracle/file_create’;
System altered.
----Now we can enable block change tracking
SQL> alter database enable block change tracking;
Database altered.
SQL> desc v$block_change_tracking
SQL> select * from v$block_change_tracking;
SQL> select * from v$block_change_tracking;
By making incremental backups and the change tracking file part of your backup strategy you can
• reduce the amount of time needed for daily backups.
• save network bandwidth when backing up over a network.
• reduce the backup file storage. Depending on the number of updated blocks and the frequency of backups, an incremental backup will be smaller than a full database backup and consumes less storage.
• enable fast backups of changed blocks.