No great genius has ever existed without some touch of madness.

Monday, 14 December 2015

DD Boost for RMAN

Oracle Administrators need more and more control over the different aspects of their environment as not only is the amount of information in their databases growing in the order of TBs, but they find they have less time to take backups, they have to satisfy retention requests for more information over the longer term and they want that data to be available online so they can get what they need when they need it and move on with their lives.

DD Boost for RMAN allows Oracle Administrators to manage the entire process of backup to, restore from and offsite DR with Data Domain all from their existing Oracle tools.

Boost integrating the RMAN client with the Data Domain appliance and bringing it’s unique advantages into play, such distributed segment processing which reduces the amount of data transmitted across a network link during the backup operation by checking with the Data Domain system that the data deduplicated by Boost isn’t already stored in the appliance and doesn’t need to be transmitted again. This can dramatically reduce the amount of time required to perform a full backup (Which Oracle recommend if the change rate is more than 20% between backups) and as such can really shrink the required backup window.

DD Boost for RMAN also provides application level automatic load balancing across multiple paths to a Data Domain appliance to ensure optimal information transfer performance during the backup operation. And it does this while also ensuring failover due to a path going down will not require a restart of the backup job. The job will just continue across the surviving interfaces.

And then we come to offsite replication. DD Boost for RMAN allows the Oracle Administrator to offsite their backups to additional Data Domain appliances and do so in a catalogue consistent manner. Their offsite copies, a product of replication between Data Domain appliances, will be fully visible to them from RMAN and can be recovered from directly.

The bottom line is Oracle Database Administrators can now use unique features of the dedicated protection infrastructure Backup Administrators can make available to them from Data Domain without having to write crazy scripts or learn new tools. This is infrastructure the Backup Administrator has visibility into and can report on.

In turn the unique advantages of this infrastructure in deduplicated storage capacity, replica management, encryption of data in flight/data at rest and the fact it’s online negate the need to use production storage to keep backups, which releases that storage to the Storage Administrator for other uses. There’s a very simple concept at work here.

Saturday, 21 November 2015

0509-036 Cannot load program 0712-001 0712-002 AIX Oracle DB


IOCP module not enabled on the server.

To check if the IOCP module is enabled, run the lsdev command.

The following sample output shows the IOCP status is set to Defined and hence not enabled:


Enable the "iocp" option and  relink the oracle binaries.

To enable IOCP, set IOCP to Available using the following procedure:

Log in as root and run the following command:

# smitty iocp
Select Change / Show Characteristics of I/O Completion Ports.

Change configured state at system restart from Defined to Available.

Run the lsdev command to confirm the IOCP status is set to Available:

Perform a system restart to make the changes permanent.

Relink the binaries using " relink all " and then as root user.

Oracle Rules Manager

Rules Manager is a feature of Oracle Database that uses the Expression Filter and object relational features to provide the features of a special-purpose rules engine with greater scalability and better operational characteristics.

Rules Manager and Expression Filter provide a SQL schema and PL/SQL and Java packages that store, retrieve, update, and query collections of expressions (rule conditions) in an Oracle Database. All these objects are created in a dedicated schema named EXFSYS.

Rules Manager and Expression Filter are installed automatically with Oracle Database Standard Edition and Oracle Database Enterprise Edition and higher.

Oracle Expression Filter, a feature beginning in Oracle Database 10g, is a component of Rules Manager that allows application developers to store, index, and evaluate conditional expressions (expressions) in one or more columns of a relational table. Expressions are a useful way to describe interests in expected data.


·        The script to install Rules Manager is named  :
catrul.sql under $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/directory.

·        Rules Manager can be uninstalled using :
catnorul.sql script in the same directory

·        The script to install the Expression Filter is named :
catexf.sql under $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/directory.

·        Expression Filter can be uninstalled using :
catnoexf.sql script in the same directory

·        Rules Manager  RUL and Expression Filter  EXF components :

SQL>select comp_id from dba_registry where comp_id in('EXF','RUL');
SQL> select comp_id, comp_name, version, status from dba_registry ;

NOTE: These scripts should be executed from a SQL*Plus session while connected as SYSDBA. Uninstalling Expression Filter implicitly uninstalls Rules Manager.

The Rules Manager and Expression Filter features are the same in the Standard and Enterprise Editions. Support for indexing expressions is available only in the Enterprise Edition because it requires bitmap index support.

OPatch failed with error code 73

If $ opatch apply fails due to below error:

Then check for /oradba/app/oracle/product/12102/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch2015-09-18_00-23-57AM_1.log and if you find below under logs:

       Find the process, kill it and run “opatch apply” again.


ERROR: Suspended on broken target (OEM 12c)

If you encounter such error for scheduled backup job of database into OEM:


If you get this error while running jobs via cloud control on a particular database – “suspended on broken target”

We just need to configure the target again – in case of this error.

No need to remove the target beforehand, simply click on targets/databases, choose the database and click configure – uses already saved XXXXXX password , simply click Next and proceed.

Run job again – it should go through.
ORA-20500 ORA-06512 ORA-06512 (Error while adding target into OEM)


testab1 (oracle_database)
ORA-20500: Target Already exists:
ORA-06512: at "SYSMAN.EM_TARGET", line 3998
ORA-06512: at line 1


Log in to the EM console.
Select Setup > Add targets > Auto Discovery Results.
Select the database (from the Ignored Targets tab)

Now, try to add database and at the last step while saving, you won’t be getting an error.


Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c - Manually adding a database target fails with ORA-20500 (Doc ID 1523394.1)

Monday, 23 March 2015

Oracle Multimedia , JAVAM and XML components , ora-04031

To install Oracle Multimedia, first you need to check for the existence of  JAVAM and XML components into database.

"Where to Find the Information to Install, Upgrade, Downgrade and Deinstall interMedia/Oracle Multimedia? (Doc ID 337415.1)"

"How to Reload the JVM in 11.2.0.x (Doc ID 1112983.1)" and use "Javavm Component Invalid and ORA-04031 Reported for "java pool" (Doc ID 1448032.1)" to troubleshoot error coming while installing JVM

-- Start of File full_rmjvm.sql
> spool full_rmjvm.log
> set echo on
> connect / as sysdba
> startup mount
> alter system set "_system_trig_enabled" = false scope=memory;
> alter system enable restricted session;
> alter database open;
> @?/rdbms/admin/catnoexf.sql
> @?/rdbms/admin/catnojav.sql
> @?/xdk/admin/rmxml.sql
> @?/javavm/install/rmjvm.sql
truncate table java$jvm$status;
select * from obj$ where obj#=0 and type#=0;
delete from obj$ where obj#=0 and type#=0;
select owner, count(*) from all_objects
where object_type like '%JAVA%' group by owner;
select obj#, name from obj$
where type#=28 or type#=29 or type#=30 or namespace=32;
select from obj$ o1,obj$ o2
where o1.type#=5 and o1.owner#=1 and and o2.type#=29;
shutdown immediate
set echo off
spool off
-- End of File full_rmjvm.sql

Please note that @?/javavm/install/initjvm.sql can fail if java_pool_size is small,so as per docs it has to be increased to atleast a value of 150M

-- Start of File full_jvminst.sql
> spool full_jvminst.log;
> set echo on
> connect / as sysdba
> startup mount
> alter system set "_system_trig_enabled" = false scope=memory;
> alter database open;
> select obj#, name from obj$
   where type#=28 or type#=29 or type#=30 or namespace=32;
> @?/javavm/install/initjvm.sql
select count(*), object_type from all_objects
where object_type like '%JAVA%' group by object_type;
> @?/xdk/admin/initxml.sql
select count(*), object_type from all_objects
where object_type like '%JAVA%' group by object_type;
> @?/xdk/admin/xmlja.sql
select count(*), object_type from all_objects
where object_type like '%JAVA%' group by object_type;
> @?/rdbms/admin/catjava.sql
select count(*), object_type from all_objects
where object_type like '%JAVA%' group by object_type;
> @?/rdbms/admin/catexf.sql
select count(*), object_type from all_objects
where object_type like '%JAVA%' group by object_type;
> shutdown immediate
> set echo off
> spool off
> exit
-- End of File full_jvminst.sql

Please validate :
> select version, status from dba_registry where comp_id='JAVAVM';
VERSION                        STATUS
------------------------------ -----------                     VALID

> select version, status from dba_registry where comp_id='XDB';
VERSION                        STATUS
------------------------------ -----------                     VALID

> select version, status from dba_registry where comp_id='XML';
VERSION                        STATUS
------------------------------ -----------                     VALID

Now, proceeding to ORACLE MULTIMEDIA Installation steps :

Installation steps for Oracle Multimedia can be found at : $ORACLE_HOME/ord/im/admin/README.txt
"Verifying an Installed Version of Oracle Multimedia (Doc ID 458228.1)"

Installing Oracle Multimedia
Oracle Multimedia is installed and configured with Oracle Database.
If you need to configure Oracle Multimedia manually, follow the
instructions in this section.
        1 Installation Decisions
        2 Pre-Installation Steps
        3 Installation Steps
1 Installation Decisions
  The installation procedure creates the users ORDSYS, ORDPLUGINS,
  SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA, ORDDATA, and MDSYS.  These user are created with
  the privileges required for Oracle Multimedia.
  Decision 1: Decide which tablespace to use for Oracle Multimedia users
  tablespace to use for the Oracle Spatial/Oracle Multimedia Location
  Services user (MDSYS).  Oracle recommends using the SYSAUX tablespace
  for both.

2 Pre-Installation Steps
  For more instructions on installing on your system and setting
  up your environment, see the Oracle Installation Guide for your
  operating system.
  Perform the following pre-installation tasks prior to manually
  installing and configuring Oracle Multimedia:
  2.1 Install Oracle Database, including PL/SQL, Oracle JVM, Oracle XML
      Database, and Oracle XDK.
  2.2 Create the database.
  2.3 Start the database.
  2.4 Verify that required software is installed and valid.
      To verify that required software is correctly installed, run SQL*Plus,
      connect AS SYSDBA, and enter the following queries:
      SQL> select version, status from dba_registry where comp_id='JAVAVM';
      SQL> select version, status from dba_registry where comp_id='XDB';
      SQL> select version, status from dba_registry where comp_id='XML';
      Ensure that the versions are correct and the status values are 'VALID'.

3 Installation Steps
  Perform the following mandatory configuration steps. These steps are
  required ONLY if you are configuring Oracle Multimedia manually.
  You do NOT need to perform these steps if you use the Database
  Configuration Assistant.
  References to <ORACLE_HOME> in these instructions represent the Oracle
  home directory.

3.1 Use the Oracle Universal Installer to install the files that make
    up Oracle Multimedia on your system.
3.2 Create the users and grant the appropriate privileges.
    1) Start SQL*Plus and connect as SYSDBA.
    2) Invoke ordinst.sql with two parameters for the Oracle
       Multimedia tablespace and the Oracle Location Services
       SQL> @<ORACLE_HOME>/ord/admin/ordinst.sql SYSAUX SYSAUX (on Linux/UNIX)
            @<ORACLE_HOME>\ord\admin\ordinst.sql SYSAUX SYSAUX (on Windows)
3.3 Install Oracle Multimedia types and packages.
    1) Start SQL*Plus and connect as SYSDBA.
    2) Invoke catim.sql
       SQL> @<ORACLE_HOME>/ord/im/admin/catim.sql (on Linux/UNIX)
            @<ORACLE_HOME>\ord\im\admin\catim.sql (on Windows)

After these mandatory installation steps have been completed, Oracle
Multimedia is ready for use.

Verifying the Oracle Multimedia Installation
After you have installed or upgraded Oracle Multimedia, you can verify the
Oracle Multimedia installation by invoking the Oracle Multimedia validation
To run the Oracle Multimedia validation procedure, connect as SYSDBA and
execute the procedure validate_ordim as follows:
    1) Start SQL*Plus and connect AS SYSDBA.
    2) Execute SYS.validate_ordim
       SQL> execute SYS.validate_ordim;
    The validation procedure silently  sets the Oracle Multimedia registry
    entry to 'VALID' if Oracle Multimedia is valid.  If there are invalid
    objects detected, the validation procedure lists the first few invalid
    objects and sets the registry entry to 'INVALID'.
    To query the registry entry for Oracle Multimedia, run SQL*Plus, connect
    AS SYSDBA, and enter the following query:
       SQL> select version, status from dba_registry where comp_id='ORDIM';

Ensure that the version is correct and the status is 'VALID'.